About Us

Noëlge Drywall & Paint company is based in Rosemount, MN. It is a private company with a thirty-year operating history, sound financials, a superior team, and very satisfied customers. Noëlge Drywall & Paint company is one of the leading drywall and paint businesses in Minnesota. We focus on serving the home services market with the highest quality and service.

Founded in 1985 as a family owned operation, the company uses a unique business model that incorporates a network of the finest finishers, painters, hangers, framers and carpenters who have been selected to fulfill projects with professionalism and efficiency. This model allows clients to be assured of a uniquely tailored customer service to meet their needs and receive the highest quality products and services all the time and every time. This has allowed us to develop a well-organized and efficient organization. Today, we are one of the leading drywall and paint service providers and drywall finishing niche market. We’re focused on a broadband consumer, product base and content. We provide faster service and clearer guarantee of our services. We develop and deliver innovative unique products and services.

As The company evolves, we continue to look forward to the future - seeking out new and one of a kind products and services, new opportunities, and more choices. We want to continue to provide our customers with excellent quality and customer service. We want to provide products & services that are an instrument to help connect customers to what’s important in their lives.